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Minecraft Game: What Parents Should Know

Digital games are a popular pastime for children as well as adults. Boys and girls play several times a week often without their parents. Parents usually try to regulate the duration and type of games. But surveys show that this is only possible with moderate success. Almost three-quarters of all young people claim that they have friends who also play particularly in minecraft servers list. Parents who play on the computer with their children tend to be the exception.

minecraft servers list

How can parents regulate their children’s Minecraft games?

Regulating gaming is becoming more and more complex. The figures prove the dominance of mobile devices. A large percentage of adolescents regularly play with their smartphones.

The games are part of everyday life, especially for male adolescents, such as school or football games. This makes it essential for parents to deal with the topic. Parents should aim that all family members learn to deal with the media in a self-determined and responsible manner.

Select the appropriate Minecraft games under parental control criteria

As a parent, you have many options for your children’s computer games. When it comes to buying a game console, parents sometimes seek advice from their children. But not every console is equally recommendable in terms of youth media protection. When making a decision, children orient themselves towards the circle of friends. Parents should know, however, that depending on the device, you can set the youth protection to different degrees or poorly technically. The range of games also varies depending on the device.

Minecraft gaming: Select a suitable location for the device

Once you bought the console or smartphone, the question arises as to where it should be set up. You should set it up in a location where you can keep an eye on it. It is better to set up in the dining or living room than in the room of your children. In this way, you can influence what your kids are playing and for how long.

Minecraft digital games: Activate parental controls

Parents should activate the parental controls immediately after purchasing a console or smartphone.  You can operate these differently depending on the device. With Microsoft’s Xbox, you can even set how long individual family members can play per day or per week.
