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Tips in Managing Leaking Septic Tanks

When you realize that you have got a leak on your tanks, how can you manage it? Here are our best tips:

Do not Drink Water Outside

We will begin with what you should not do – don’t pump water out of your tank in your lawn. This poses a serious health danger, as pets and children could walk, and it might make its way to a flow. This, in turn, could cause waterborne disease, which can be very fatal and spread quickly from person to person.

Determine the Exact Location of the Damage

If a tank is overloaded, water will come through any opening, for example, inlet and outlet pipes, the manhole cover, or the cover into the tank. This then can fill the tank up with groundwater, which might carry with it dirt and silt. Should this happen, floating waste that is already within the tank, for example scum, will subsequently rise and might plug the inlet and outlet pipes. Water out of the drain area can make its way to the tank.

Inspect for the Damage

Inspect around the septic tank and drain area to get any signs of damage. Typical indicators are matters such as holes in the dirt or dirt settling. If you find any indications of harm, hire a certified professional to come and inspect your machine. Stay away from using heavy machinery close to the drain area or tank while the soil is still soaked.

Check the Depth of the Groundwater

Assess the groundwater thickness around the tank and the empty area. You can achieve this using a soil probe, or you could dig a pit with an auger. Do this in 10 feet of the tank and roughly 20 feet in the drain area. Should you decide that the cover of the tank is at least three feet above the water table, however the drain area stays soaked or saturated, then apply your tank for a holding tank.

In cases like this, you ought to have the tank pumped, but be certain that you leave at least 50 percent of this quantity in the tank. If you eliminate any more, due to the water round the septic tank, the tank might want to float upwards, which might harm the linking pipes. While the tank has been pumped, water can enter the tank in the drain area and the home. The technician performing the pumping must ensure the outlet pipe is not blocked.

With the exclusion of a mound system, nearly all drain areas are situated 2 to 4 ft under the surface of the floor. It will be a fantastic while until the groundwater recedes to the base of the drain area. It might take anywhere from a week to many months. To avoid causing harm, frequently monitor the water table thickness around the drain area.

Reduce Water Use

If the septic system may be used, it’s great for the family to reduce its water usage. Ensure no showers or sinks are leaking and no bathrooms are operating. Even if a faucet drips just 1 drop every 15 seconds, over time this may add up to a massive volume of water from the septic tank. If any fittings are leaking, have them repaired when possible.


The water from the basement sump pump shouldn’t enter the septic tank. Additionally, ensure it does not drain anywhere close to the playground area. Water from roof gutters must also be guided away from the drain area.

Try using common sense when reducing your water usage. The drain area was just made to deal with the quantity of water which normally stems from your house. If the water table is large round the drain area, the drain area gets restricted in its capacity to take care of the water out of your residence.

Hire a Certified Professional

If you are still having plumbing problems have the water table has returned to normal levels, then the septic tank or drain field might have been damaged. After the groundwater is large, shifting and setting can happen, and this may change the septic tank in addition to the drain area’s distribution system. The septic tank inlets and outlets may become blocked as an outcome. If one of these things occur, speak to a septic system installer or repairer.
