
Learn Home Remedies for You and Your Kids

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Handling a Homework at Home

Homework, This is a word that often triggers anxiety, fatigue and frustration to school aged children. This is a task is given to our children which should be accomplished in their homes with the supervision of the parents or guardians. Homework’s are school activities that requires a parent’s closer study. The purpose of homework’s is to practice and test further the concepts students have been taught that day in their school. Homework’s are also given because there are times that the teacher don’t have enough time to discuss and present the lesson. Homework’s is generally a good thing. When properly handled this activity helps our children feel motivated to do well in school. Studies have shown that kids who do their homework’s regularly score higher grades and are usually performing well. Those who do their homework experience better mental health and have lower involvement in drugs and other vices.

Homework’s also provide the perfect opportunity for parents to interact with their children. It keeps family ties closer. This
gives the parents an opportunity to become involve in their child’s education.

How to Encourage your Child to do Homework | Supernanny

What are the roles of parents?

As parents, we need to monitor the homework situation to determine if the assignment load is enough and appropriate. If it appears overloaded or to little it’s the role of parents to investigate and question. It’s the parent’s role to talk to the teachers or the school administrators. Some schools assign learning activities to involve parents or other members of the family. The purpose of some schools is to involve the parents in doing more, not just monitoring their children in doing the homework.

In every home it’s important to make homework time more fun and exciting. When doing a homework, incorporate fun games like beating the buzzer. Also, give your child a reward if he or she finishes her homework on time. Make sure to breakdown the work into smaller parts, interspersing easier tasks with tougher ones. When you see that your child is tired take a few minutes of fun time before moving on. Set rules. make it a house rule that homework comes first before other activities like attending to their phones, computer games and a lot more. When using your phone be sure to download YouTube Vanced, an ad blocking application.
