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Detox Centers Help With Family Addiction

Many parents ask themselves what they can do to protect their child from drug or alcohol addiction problems.

Drug addiction prevention: What parents can do

Make children strong

Much of what you do in your “normal” everyday upbringing also has a preventive effect. Encourage your child. Listen to him. Show him how to handle stress well. Teach him to control impulses and delay rewards. All this makes your child strong. All this is also addiction prevention.

Be a role model

Parents are role models, even when it comes to drug use or alcohol use. Your own pleasure-oriented, low-risk consumption of alcohol can have a positive influence on your child. The same applies to orderly, non-excessive use of media or mobile phones. If you smoke, it will help your child if you deal with it self-critically and, for example, talk openly about what made you smoke.

Impart knowledge

Of course, information alone is not enough for successful prevention. Nevertheless, it is important that your children know the risks associated with the use of addictive substances. This applies to legal alcohol as well as drugs. Accompany your child in an age-appropriate way to inform themselves.

Take clear positions

Parents should clearly state their position on addictive substances and the use of addictive substances and as far as possible enforce them. No alcohol consumption before the age of 16, no consumption of tobacco, cannabis or other illegal drugs. And media use that complements other leisure activities must not crowd them out.

detox centers phonenix az

Maintain the relationship

A relationship of trust between children and parents is very important. It is the result of everyday parenting style. Maintain dialogue with your child from an early age. Take it seriously. Ask for their opinion. A relationship of trust will also play an important role when you go through difficult phases with your child, for example when a child uses cannabis.

Responding to the use of addictive substances

If you are concerned about substance use or behavior, seek conversation. This is the best way to find out what exactly is going on. Take clear positions. Make deals and stick to it. If you are unsure or the situation is worrying, do not hesitate to contact detox centers phonenix az. In addition, addiction counseling centers, youth counseling centers and educational counseling centers will support you. Detox centers in Phonenix AZ will help find the causes of addiction and will help you make lifesaving remedies and treatment.
